Tuesday, 21 October 2014
Advanced Stock Markets Are Now Totally Drug Addict
Amid debates on whether recent weeks’ sell off in advanced economies stock markets was a correction or start of a new collapse, picture of ...
Monday, 13 October 2014
American Labor Productivity More Than Halved Since 1990!
When you read the headline you might have thought “What the hell is this guy saying? Labor productivity is very strong in the US.” This way...
Saturday, 27 September 2014
Exclusive Interview with James Rickards, Pentagon's Financial Warfare Advisor
Abenomics Will Fail BIS, IMF and G-20 Warned that the System is Going to Collapse In the Next Financial Panic They might Close S...
Tuesday, 23 September 2014
The Rich’s Survival Kit: Inflate Bubbles – Smash Others
When something start going wrong with ‘organizing production with money business’ rulers of capitalism take a defensive position for their ...
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
Dr FED can not Exorcise the Deflation Ghost
The major central banks of the world have fought a war against the deflation ghost which has been bothering the oldest money-based industri...
Monday, 15 September 2014
No Recovery in the Developed World’s Debt Problem
Economists still discuss whether money printing policies are successful in creating real economic recovery at the oldest money-based indust...
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